Duty - Second Week Update

Without even realising, Duty has reached its third week in development. For the past week, we here the Fantastic Four have been working very hard to bring to you our unique take on a the 2D action-adventure platformer genre. So, here goes our progress for the past week!

This last week we've added some functionality to our game: we've begun coding the AIs for each enemy type. We decided late the week prior that we're going to have three main types of enemies, which are (temporarily) Regulars, Juggernauts, and Snipers. Regulars are your average baddies: they patrol, they can spot you, but you can outrun them if they see you and you can perform a stealthy takedown on them. Juggernauts are bigger and badder. They're like Regulars, but you can't perform takedowns on them. The only way to avoid them: run.  And finally, there are snipers. These guys stand watch, surveying a large area, ready to shoot at anyone with their long-range sniper rifle. If you get caught by any of these guys, you lose. If you get shot, you lose.

We've also decided upon some specific features. One of the gameplay mechanics that we have is that the main character - Sophie - has a small set of tools she can use to help her complete her objectives. We haven't finalised the list of tools, but we have finalised one: darts. You can use darts to shoot enemies to sleep so that you can go past them. We've also added another element to our stealth game. Not only can you hide by pressing a button to hide in hideable objects, but you can also directly hide behind specific objects by just moving behind them.

You've read about programming and you've read about design. But what about story and art? Fear not! For we have done work on that too! We have finished the story - but wait until our game is released to find out. Our premise remains clear: the game is set at the height of World War II in France in an alternate, steampunk reality. As for art (assets), we are working hard on them too, trying to bring the world to life in our little, simple game. For now, you can content yourself with a little sneak peek of a beautiful thing that our artist made:

A beautifully crafted crate of quality French oak.

That's it for us this week, everyone! Thanks for dropping by and be sure to keep dropping by to see more! :)

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