Duty - Third Week Update

Hello, everyone! The production of Duty has entered its third week (yay!). We've done a lot of work this week and we're going to give you a list of what we've done:

  • Finished core gameplay - The core gameplay of Duty has been finished. That is, the coding. We've even added the new hide-behind mechanic: you don't have to press E to hide, you can immediately and naturally hide behind objects which you can hide behind.
  • Finished game flow - We've finished the main game flow as well: main menu -> game -> defeat, victory, etc.
  • Finished some assets, begun most assets - We've already finished some important assets (such as below) and we've begun working on the remaining assets.

Awesome and stylish enemy.

  • Creating demo level - We're also creating a demo level: more on this below

We plan to release a prototype next week: it'll include a demo level, core gameplay mechanics, as well as the game flow. The demo level is simple: it's designed to give you an idea of how the game will play out. In it, we demonstrate all the mechanics in the game as well as how they fit into the actual gameplay. It's not plot-heavy and it won't spoil any of the actual plot; it is just there to demonstrate the game. So if you want to try and see what the game will feel like, tune in next week! Hopefully, we'll have finished it by then! Thanks for reading, we'll keep you posted :)

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